, pub-3093549154593627, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Shop Big Save Big: 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Some issues with Checkout 51 My personal experience part 2

I am starting to get the impression that the employees at Checkout 51 are incompetent, or again BLIND. This is the 3rd Letter, so the 4th submission to the SAME receipt. here was my First Post on this incident.

Checkout 51 Not Helping Desk Response to my First emails/Post

"Jennifer (Checkout 51 Help Desk)
Oct 14, 17:17 EDT
Hi Dana,

Thanks for your email!

I took a look at your receipt and you claimed the following offer twice: "Buy 2: BUSH'S® Chili Beans - Any variety. Excludes Baked Beans, Grillin’ Beans®, Variety Beans, Organic Beans, Savory Beans and Chili Magic®. Items must appear on the same receipt."

Because you purchased the product twice, we were able to credit you for the first offer you claimed.

However, redeeming a Buy 2 offer twice would require *four products to appear on the receipt. I apologize if this was confusing or unclear.

It appears as though you may have "reserved" the Uncle Ben's offer on another savings app or website after submitting your receipt to Checkout 51 and before we could approve your claims – either by saving, clipping, claiming, or redeeming and, as a result, it is no longer available in our system to share with you.

Even in cases where the offer hasn't been redeemed yet for a rebate or cash back value, it is now effectively reserved for use by you on that respective app only, which is why we can't offer it to you as well.

We realize this can be a frustrating experience. In the future, please keep in mind that this can often happen when several savings sites are used in combination with one another.

Thanks for your understanding!


Checkout 51 Support Team

Checkout 51"

 And As for the beans...  Look at the receipt again... there are 4 cans of BEANS!

I see 4 cans of Bush's Beans, don't you?

It took me a day or two to find these, as they were not titled the same as my receipts, but here is the PRINTED FROM the website the day I went to submit them


12 (13) things of Uncle Bens Rice You guys say I claimed on Saving Star (true)... and claimed 1 on Here...
so what about 12
                      -  8 Claimed Uncle Bens Rice *1 on CH51, 1 on Saving Star
and Checkout
So Um...what does that equal.... clearly, there is some mistake on YOUR end.
NOW you can CLEARLY see I purchased everything the website said to purchase, and at my LIMIT of 2 times!! Not the 1 time that you CLAIM 

This is what it looks like when you go to Claim your items... They make it so you can't go over your claim limit... you see how it stops me at 2?

and this is what it told me I would get back...

When I got my first response. I got a total of $1 in my account, saying only the Beans claim ($1 back on 2) and the Rice claim ($1 back on 4) went through... (Hmm $1+$1 should equal $2, right?) claiming that the other Set of 2 cans of beans and 4 packs of rice, and either didn't exist on the receipt or that they only allowed one claim... 

So again.. if 2 of the 4 $1 claims were accepted, why do I still only have $1 in my ACCOUNT?

#Checkout51 #Checkout51issues #Checkout51Review #RebateApp #Rebates #Review #ShoppingApp

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Some issues with Checkout 51 My personal experience

This is a letter I wrote to Checkout 51 after sending in my receipt TWICE and even CIRCLED the items they claimed were not on the receipt as a response to their first email. 

I received this letter from Checkout 51 as a SECOND response... 

Apparently, a few of your employees don't know how to count.  

I sent in a Receipt where I had bought 13 (got one free, so I paid for 12.  When I sent in my receipt, I claimed 8 of the 12. ONLY 4 were accepted, and the letter states I did not buy any more than 4 when my receipt CLEARLY STATES there are 12 PAID for Uncle Bens Ready Rice. The website states that if you buy 4 Uncle bens, you get $1 back., and you can claim up to 2 times. I tried to claim 8 of the 12 purchased... yet they only see 4 on the receipt.....   if I can claim it 2 times, why do they refuse to see more than 4 Uncle Bens Ready Rice on my receipt... they are LITERALLY ALL next to each other!

Also, If my Uncle Bens and all 4 cans of beans were accepted, why do I only have only $1 back? I took a picture of what my total should have been in full. that is the second file on this email. I will continue to blog about my experiences, though I seem to get a lot of people NOT reading receipts correctly. Literally, EVERY time I upload one, something is missed. It's starting to REALLY make me mad, would you Please REDEEM ALL of My Items and EVERY Receipt that follows so you don't waste EVERYONE's time! PLEASE!?

This is what my total SHOULD look like... So far it's only $1 because some employees are slacking. 

I pay attention to EVERYTHING, every cent, every dollar... you will NOT get by me and miss my claims because I record EVERY step!! I will be posting my process on my blog.

Thank you for FIXING this issue and making sure your employees pay attention MORE would be nice. 

Thank you...

Here is the letter I received 

We've reviewed your updates
Thanks for the updates you made to your receipt (Receipt ID  *********). 

We've reviewed your updates and reprocessed your claims, and you now have $1.00 in your account.


Buy 2: BUSH'S® Chili Beans
$1.00 cash back (1 claimed)
Not Approved:

Buy 2: BUSH'S® Chili Beans
$1.00 cash back (1 claimed)
To redeem this offer 2 times, you need to buy 4 products.
Buy 4: UNCLE BEN'S® Brand Rice Products
$1.00 cash back (2 claimed)
We could not find the item on your receipt or offer was combined with a coupon.
Think we missed something?
Please do not upload the receipt again. Instead, please create a support request. Be sure to:

Attach the receipt with the missed item(s) clearly circled

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